Booking Details

Our main terms and conditions

As we have to pay the hall hire and other costs in advance places can only be reserved by payment of the deposit and then confirmed by payment of the final fee. We regret there can be no refunds if you don’t attend for any reason or don’t pay the final instalment. However, full refunds will be given if we have to cancel a Course for any reason.

BDARS cannot afford to subsidise the Courses so unfortunately there are no concessions. Our volunteer Instructors (most of whom are Registered Instructors with the RSGB) are giving their time free!

Any under 16’s will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian for all days. Accompanying parents or guardians will not be required to pay any fee, unless they want to do the Course as well!

Location and times

All Foundation and Intermediate Courses will be held at our meeting place, the Victory Social Club, which has been registered as an Examination Centre by the RSGB. Subject to arrangement the Full course and exams may be held at alternative places in West Wickham or Bromley.

Course times on Saturdays or Sundays are 8:30am for 9am start and finish about 6pm. Teas, biscuits and coffees will be available, but we suggest you bring a packed lunch. You will also need paper and pen, and the Course book.

For further information or any questions please  email us


Please email us to register your interest.  We will reply with a postal address and direct email address that can be used to electronically send your enrolment details.

There is a form to be downloaded, completed and payment made this is the BDARS Registration Form that contains our detailed terms and conditions.

Complete using one of the following options:

  • Print to paper, fill out, sign and post them to the address that will be sent to you in reply to your registration request, or
  • Print it to paper, fill out, sign, scan and include them as attachments in an email to us, or
  • Complete on screen, save (note this requires Acrobat Reader XI or equivalent to be able to save your entries, and may not work on all devices), and email to us as attachments.

3. Payment can be made either by:

  • Cheque for the deposit made payable to BDARS posted to the address that will be emailed to you on receipt of your registration request, or
  • Internet banking transfer to our bank account details that will also be in the same email.

Remember that if you use a large envelope a large letter stamp is needed.


Closing dates for receipt of completed applications and payment are 3 weeks before the commencement date of any Foundation & Intermediate Course or exam and 6 weeks for Full.

Do not send anything by paper post to the Victory Social Club address – it will be neither seen nor delivered to us.

Please make sure that you meet all the eligibility requirements for these Courses before booking. Details are available from the RSGB .